Roglozor's Webpage | About Me

Literally Who?

I'm Roglozor!
Your friendly neighbourhood delusional, paranoid schizophrenic.
I'm a Bri'ish """person"""" currently in my 20's.
I don't do much on the public facing internet but I'm planning to change that soon™.
I'm working on a few small things behind the scenes that I can hopefully finish and show someday.

Overview of Interests

My primary interests include game development using Godot Engine, pixel art,
music (especially tracker music, and playing piano), Blender, and Linux. I use Arch btw.
I am not very good at any of these, and I certainly have no professional background in any.
I simply like to mess around with them in my free time and hope to one day share my hobbies with you all!

I am a Free and Open Source Software advocate, and I have a strict personal rule for myself;
I am NEVER allowed to use proprietary software in any of my own creations whenever possible.
Meaning anything I personally create on a PC must be done only using FOSS tools.
Of course, I still use plenty of other proprietary software outside of personal projects, although
I would like that to change in the future.

English is my first language, and I am attempting to learn Japanese as my second language
but have not got very far at all. I have learned hiragana and katakana and have only started
to learn very basic kanji, grammar, and vocabulary. So please don't use Japanese to talk with me for now,
I won't understand most things.

As you can probably guess from the above, I am a bit of a weeb! Kind of...
I do enjoy Japanese culture overall, have watched many anime (no where near as much as you may think),
and I absolutely love and adore VTubers. But I am certainly not as much of a weeb as most who fall under the term.
I'm actually super behind on all the recent anime right now.

Obviously this isn't every interest I have, but it's just about everything I'm currently willing to make public.
Or can be bothered to write right now.


Any projects of mine can be found on their own page here, also linked on the side bar.
Not that I have anything to share right now. Regardless, they will be on that page once they exist.


I'm more of a casual gamer these days, since most of my time spent around video games mainly involves researching
and studying them and their tech. But I do still spend a decent amount of time actually gaming.
Here are a few of my current favourites from the top of my head, in no order;

I will add/remove entries from this list as I see fit. Obviously this isn't literally every game I love,
just what I can think of. I may remove games due to the list being too large, not because I no longer like the game.



I love way too many VTubers and agencies, so I'll just list a few of my oshis from each group, in no order.

I'm actually not a long time VTuber enjoyer. I knew about their existence since sometime 2019 but didn't
start actively watching them until sometime within July - August 2023. I originally hated the very idea,
brushing off the whole concept as just low effort coomer bait with no real entertainment value, but once I finally
decided to take a closer look I very quickly realised... That it's all just low effort coomer bait.
I'm joking of course, sure there's SOME vtubers like that but most I know of are genuinely great entertainers and
performers. Pipkin Pippa was the first VTuber I actually enjoyed watching, and I grew an interest in Hololive since
Holocure released on Steam. These two combined were the catalyst that sparked my desire to decend into the rabbit hole
and ignited a new autistic interest. AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN THE SAME SINCE PLEASE GOD HELP ME.

More to Come

There's more I'd like to put on this page but I'm just going to wrap it up for now. Will update... Eventually.